Michelle Heinz loves our GutHealth AND our BetterRide, and not just for riding!
“I keep Gut Health Extra Strength on hand at all times and dose extra whenever there is a drastic weather change, severe weather coming in, or one of the horses is a looking a little off. Has made a huge difference for my very sensitive Arabian, as well as for my Thoroughbred who showed signs of ulcers but was never diagnosed.”
“The grey horse is the same in both photos, just a few years apart lol. He’s the reason I started using GutHealth”
“The Arabian has REALLY benefited from Gut Health. She is super sensitive and GutHealth has prevented mini colic episodes twice already when she’s been uncomfortable. She’s 27!”
“I have a very skittish rescue pony who requires patience and quiet handling so she can gain trust. The Farrier could not touch her hind feed for months after I got her. A Better Ride gel really had the difference for her!! It settled her enough so she could take a breath and be present but significantly less anxious. I keep a few tunes on hand and it makes life so much easier for all of us! Thanks Jason Somnitz for recommending it!”