Understanding Hindgut Acidosis
Understanding Hindgut Acidosis in Horses and the Benefits of Basic Animal Health Gut Health Products
Causes of Hindgut Acidosis
Other events or issues that may cause challenges:
- Sudden changes in diet
- Limited access to forage
- Stress from transportation or changes in environment
Symptoms and Diagnosis
The symptoms of hindgut acidosis can vary but often include:
- Most symptoms currently attributed as ulcer, unless the horse is not eating, are actually a hindgut issue
- Cinchy, Grouchy, Grumpy, Crabby, Sore over the back, etc
- Colic or abdominal discomfort
- Diarrhea or loose stools
- Fecal water syndrome
- Changes in eating behavior
- Weight loss, poor body condition
- Poor hair coat, dull, faded non Glossy
- Behavioral changes such as irritability or lethargy
Diagnosis typically involves a thorough examination (Click To See Video). Remember that your veterinarian truly has no tools to diagnose hindgut issues. Endoscopy does give your vet the ability to view the stomach to positively diagnose gastric ulcers, but nothing further. Therefore, this really makes the use of pressure points (as seen in the videos) of the utmost importance. Every time we discuss a horse’s Gastrointestinal issues with a client, we usually begin with a review of the horse’s diet and management practices. We can recommend best practices once we know the challenges presented by the diet.
Management and Prevention
- Start a loading serving daily protocol of Basic Animal Health GutHealth Xtra Strength Gel and recommended daily maintenance GutHealth Xtra Strength liquid based on severity of the issues. Basic Animal Health ProPerformance pack is the perfect place to ensure positive results within days of beginning.
- Increasing fiber intake through high-quality forage
- Reducing grain and concentrate feeds
- Implementing dietary changes and eliminating unnecessary supplements
- Ensuring constant access to water
Benefits of Basic Animal Health Gut Health Products
- Increases and Maintains Hindgut internal pH: Microencapsulated Sodium Bicarbonate allows for time released action for delivery to the small intestine and Cecum, increasing the pH reducing the chances for any acidosis challenges. This will reduce and eliminate the reason for the irritation and inflammation, in turn improving your horse’s overall health, improving your rides and allowing your horse to simply be happier with life.
- Supporting a Healthy Microbial Balance: These products contain prebiotics and probiotics that help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, which is crucial for preventing acidosis and overall sound physical and mental health.
- Enhancing Fiber Digestion: Ingredients like enzymes can improve the digestion of fiber, reducing the risk of undigested starch reaching the hindgut.
- Providing Soothing Ingredients: Some products contain ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Vera and Xanthan, which can soothe the lining of the GI tract and reduce discomfort.
- Boosting Overall Gut Health: Regular use of these supplements can contribute to a healthier gut environment, improving nutrient absorption and overall well-being and Performance.
Hindgut acidosis is a manageable condition with the right dietary and management practices. Basic Animal Health’s GutHealth products offer a comprehensive approach to supporting the digestive health of horses, helping to prevent and manage hindgut acidosis effectively. By understanding the causes and symptoms of this condition and utilizing targeted supplements, horse owners can ensure their equine companions maintain optimal health and performance. Better Rides exist through better understanding of your horse’s health. Go to www.basicanimalhealth.com today to learn more and watch YouTube videos on our channel, Basic Animal Health. We are always available for individual assistance anytime by Tom Hall direct at 419-494-2393.